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2019-04-30 继Uber之后美股市场第二大IPO?传WeWork秘密向SEC提交IPO文件



据外媒报道,全球最大的共创空间WeWork周一透露,正在筹备上市,已经向 SEC 秘密提交 IPO 文件。WeWork或将成为今年美股市场继Uber之后的第二大IPO。

自2010年诞生以来,WeWork已经募集了120亿美元的资金,其中多数资金来自软银。2018年11月,据路透社报道,根据路透社的一份投资者报告显示,美国共享办公空间提供商WeWork Cos已从日本软银集团公司获得30亿美元的新增投资。这笔最新的资金是以权证的形式支付。软银将在1月15日向WeWork支付15亿美元,其余的将在4月15日支付。


以下是以下为WeWork创始人 Neumann给员工的信:









Hello everyone, This week I have been celebrating my birthday with family and close friends. It has been an opportunity to reflect on some of the most meaningful moments in my life: growing up in Israel, meeting my wife and partner Rebekah, the birth of my children, and collaborating with Miguel and Rebekah to found WeWork.From the first day, the goal of our company has always been about making a difference, impacting as many people as possible, and creating a world where people make a life and not just a living. We have regularly focused on how to take our business to the next level in every aspect. As part of keeping all options open, we confidentially filed a draft S-1 registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission in December. After a lot of thought, last week we decided to file the first amendment to our submission, which is a step towards allowing us to decide to become a public company. As partners on this journey, it is important for me to personally share this information with you and again thank you for your collaboration in getting us to this point.While this process restricts our ability to communicate about this topic, we will do our very best to update you when we can. I do not have an exact date or timeline to share with you, but I wanted you to know first that this process has started. Partly due to technology and partly due to the times we live in, the world has never felt smaller and yet more people than ever are sharing that they feel alone. As one of the world’s largest physical networks, it is our responsibility to help lead the way and set the global example for people and corporations on how we should take care of each other and of our planet. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to our mission.Sincerely,Adam
